I have a few online friends who have supplied me with tremendous finds over the years. When I first started this blog, almost every one of the bloopers I posted had been found in person by me! But the fact is, having spies all over the country (and world, for that matter) makes this a lot easier. And it creates a sense of community - I feel like I'm giving people who feel the way I do about typos a place to vent :)
Anyway, one of my very first posts-by-correspondent was from Mirj, who lives in Raanana and has an excellent eye for these things. I'm grateful for all of her help over the years - just search my blog for Mirj, and you'll see that there are quite a few entries :) And she's come through for us again - bigger and better than before. Just look at what she found oozing in the freezer section at her local grocery store!
For those of you who can't read the Hebrew, that was translated from Frozen Goose Ribs. There may be a better way to say Goose Ribs, but I'm fairly sure that it isn't Chest Gooze...
Yich! As Mirj so aptly said, this sounds like a phlegmy chest infection. And if the meat is from Belgium, then a Flemmy chest infection... what could I possibly add? Thanks, Mirj!
She now has a blog of her own which is far more impressive than mine - it's a fantastic source for great stories and yummy recipes - you should check it out at your soonest convenience, if you haven't already!
Oh, and I'll post this (naturally) to Lesley's weekly meme, Signs, Signs. It's a fun place to look if you'd like to see interesting signage from all over the world! Have a great week, everyone!
4 months ago
Eeuw, what a turn-off.
Actually, tsla'ot avaz sounds pretty funny too.
Whoa, thanks for that, I'm flattered by the extra blog blurb. Really! And as we used to say in the Bronx, yo!
BTW, you know I just can't pass by any of these signs/typos and not think of you.
I actually thought of coming up with a recipe for goose ribs, but would you eat something that had gooze chest in it?
When you get right down to it, frozen goose ribs sounds kind-of yukky as well---but not as bad as the gooze!
I'm not sure I want to see unfrozen chest gooze either!
Gosh, I sure wouldn't want to buy that frozen chest gooze! Never heard of goose ribs either, as a culinary dish. Hmmmm. Breast of goose, perhaps, nicely roasted?
Gooze, what a horrible word!
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