10 March, 2011

Shouldn't they know better?

Hello all! 

This week I present you with two funny posts sent to me all the way from the U.S. of A! I personally love mistakes found in native English speaking countries - they make me feel so much better about our situation here in Israel. And so, with no further ado - here's one that was thoughtfully sent to me by Sheva:

This menu was found in her local Chinese restaurant, in Baltimore. Can you find the mistake? Personally, I always run for chocolate, and I imagine truffles are even more tempting. But as Sheva points out, perhaps serving things like french fries and chocolate at a Chinese restaurant should be our cue to run :)
Thanks for thinking of me when you saw this, Sheva!

Here is number two, found by my friend Dena's parents, while they were in New Orleans. Dena calls this "the most self-evident sign ever," and I'm inclined to agree:

I mean - yes, okay, it's true - but really? How necessary is this sign? I love it! Thanks, Dena and family!

Oh - I wanted to share one more with you - this is something from our friend Shlomo. It's not American, but it's an Israeli take on an American product, and I found it very funny:

Do you see it? Do you see it? Yeah, there - the only English in the ad :) This one is particularly fantastic because cat is exactly how Israelis would pronounce cut. So I'm pretty sure that someone was convinced that this was the proper spelling. And naturally, working at a newspaper, they wouldn't have access to an actual English speaker - yeah right :) 

That's all for now - don't forget to check out Lesley's great meme: Signs, signs!  And have a great week, everyone!


Gemma Wiseman said...

O what amazing signs! Perhaps there is a quiet hint that the truffle may require careful consideration in case of a reaction? And the upstairs one is unbelievable!

Isreview said...

Now I have "Stairway to Heaven" by
Led Zeppelin playing in my head...I didn't know I knew that song till I saw this great post:)

Lesley said...

Well,you wouldn't want to be going up the down staircase, would you?!

Kim, USA said...

This makes me laugh. Okey the cue in the first photo is the word "run" hahaha. Great signs you have here.

RedPat said...

I always run for chocolate truffles!

Inger-M said...

Sign gems!

Creed Of Noah said...

With Purim just days away & in the spirit of those pictures to that I say Vnahapoich Hu!


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