Here's a quickie - forwarded to me from the "Efrat Chat" email list:

As for "steticist," I wasn't sure what that was. I googled it, and discovered that although it doesn't seem to be a word in English, about 195 non-native English speakers seem to think it is. I then put my advanced Googler on the job, and the verdict is: maybe they're trying to say Esthetician?
Have a great weekend, everybody!
can she be differentiating b/w upper and lower leg? unclear, either way! shabbat shalom.
Yaffa/Yitz - thanks for stopping by! That's an interesting idea, could be true...
Haha, I reckon it is someone who speaks Hebrew as a first language but also speaks a bit of French or Spanish, and is over-applying the rule that Anglosising French or Spanish words involves simply taking the latin root and adding "ist" or "ity" at the end...
This requires further investigation!
I could comment better if I could stop laughing...
Adam - let me know what you find out!
Bubby - sorry to interfere with your commenting abilities :)
You can also have one armpit done as well, but not one eyebrow?
I like the "size of the hair". Clearly, if you have a huge, puffy 'fro, it's gonna cost you more...
Mirj - impressive translation!
Mrs. S. - clearly :)
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