So there I was at the pharmacy a few days ago, when this came tumbling out of my wallet. I know I'm not one of those big-time bloggers who has thousands of fans all over the globe on watch for information, but I am very blessed with a few good friends who immediately think of me upon encountering the absurd. I think that that's a compliment... Anyway, this one was given to me by our good friend Ricky when we visited him months ago, and is simply so small that I forgot all about it. He found it in his Kosher meal on an airplane, and thoughtfully saved it for me:

So not to kvetch, but I don't like how the potassium and the sorbate don't line up - it gives me a small headache. I'm also not a great fan of the ingredients casually becoming comments: "colored with beta carotene" does not, in my mind, belong in the same list as "soybean oil." But those are small potatoes compared to the whopper in the middle, right?
I mean, I vaguely recall some law from way back when that if an ingredient comprised less than 2% of a product, it didn't need to be listed. That may or may not still be true. But 48%? This isn't claiming 52% fat free, or 52% natural, or 52% butter, or whatever. This is claiming 52% spread - ostensibly the end product! What the heck else is in there?
Oh, unless maybe the other 48% is unwhipped? I think we may just have to call up the folks at Mehadrin and find out...
Maybe I'm wrong, but you know how they have 5% cheese here? I think that "percentage" applies to the whipped spread as well...
Dave - right, I understand that that may have been the intention, but it doesn't say "5% fat" like those cheeses do here. Yes, they do, if you look - I checked!
It looked like a whoopie cushion. I almost fell out of my seat laughing.
Then I read ywhat you wrote :)
I agree, a Mehadrin whoopie cushion would be amusing :)
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