04 May, 2009

New and only (we hope) in Beit Shemesh!

A few weeks ago, I bumped into some friends who reported seeing a funny sign as they were driving through Beit Shemesh. A couple of days later, a coworker of mine told me that my favorite grocery store chain, Supersol (Shufersal in Hebrew, but that's a whole different story) now has a branch open in Beit Shemesh! And so, not long after, I found myself in Beit Shemesh, saying to the kids, "okay, we're looking for two signs: one says Supersol and one says car woosh. Let's see which one we can find first..."

Lo and behold, my sleuthing team found them both! I still prefer my Jerusalem branch of Supersol, but the sign was great:

Good stuff.


Bubby said...

Maybe it's describing The "whoosh" of the water? Guess not.

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo! I feel famous!
(Friends of Toby- this isn't my sign, but I found it.)

Dave (Balashon) said...

I think I figured it out:

While Bet Shemesh is predominantly Sefardi, most of the English speakers are Hareidi Ashkenazim. They pronounce their kamatz as "o" - so this sign is just trying to accommodate them...

toby said...

Bubby - that's what I thought, until I saw the spelling...

Anonymous - let us know who you are, and you might feel even more famous :)

Dave - you may be on to something there. O like as in Yisroel, eh?