You may not know this, but there is one, and only one wristwatch company in Israel. Well, as of 8 years ago I knew that to be true, and I assume that it still is. "Adi" Watches, of Kibbutz Yavne, is the sole Israeli watch company. I have an Adi watch, and it's been faithful for quite some time.
My dear husband Dave found this advertisement for Adi in today's paper:

Oh - please tell me they didn't actually do that! It's a watch company - the only word that they need to know how to spell correctly in English is "watch," right?
As a short postscript - the actual site is spelled correctly, it's only this ad that's messed up. That's a small relief - I think...
It's no relief to the company, seeing as this may well impact their site traffic... but whoever copyedited that, well, I'm guessing they no longer handle the account.
That's just the thing - I have a feeling that if they notice, they won't care at all! I'm telling you, the more I find these things, the more I realize that English here is for decoration only...
too funny.
they better get their next ad free!!
ps. "English... is for decoration only..." -- LOL!!
RivkA - Hi there - what an honor to have you stop by! I'm glad you enjoyed...
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