12 August, 2008

Uniq by any standard

Here's a sign found by a friend and neighbor of ours, Andye Friedman. He spied it on his way to Ra'anana - I don't think much introduction is necessary:

Wow. Words evade me. There are just so many angles here, so many ways to giggle. I think my favorite is the "Uery," but I can't be sure... maybe it just reminds me of Chekov? Who knows, everyone is welcome to take the part they like best, and laugh!


Anonymous said...

I like "Here be built", although uniq is pretty good, too. So funny! Mom

Anonymous said...

I had never really noticed until now, but the Russians don't actually say "W" instead of "V" - it's the other way around:

“Nuclear wessels”

still a great scene in the movie though...

toby said...

Hey, I never said it reminded me of Russians, I said it reminded me of Chekov...

Anonymous said...

No question, "here be built" takes the prize.


toby said...

Andye, nice to see you here! (And thanks again for the photo!)