Well, my kids are still gone. I got the new catalog from our local Matn"as (that's like the JCC here) yesterday by email, with the extra-curricular activities that they'll be offering in the upcoming year. I thought - fantastic! Let's find something good for the kids, that will make us all happy. I promise that I wasn't looking for typos. I promise! I was innocently thinking that they should start learning to play musical instruments, and wondering if we could afford it.
So there I was, "flipping" through (scrolling, really) and of course saw the occasional typo. Maybe I'm more patient with our local businesses than with other organizations - after all, we're a small town. So missing apostrophes didn't bother me much. Then there were a couple of capitalization mistakes, which didn't throw me. I did find "astern Dancing," in place of "Eastern Dancing," and that got a chuckle out of me. And "Piltes" instead of "Pilates." Funny! But blogworthy? Not so much.
Then I saw what for the first split-second looked to me like some kind of farming class - until I read it to the end:
Ha! Can you believe it? I forgot all about playing music, and labeled the email with the catalog as blog material. Whew - there's one for this week.
Until I went to look through it again - and found a far better typo that I somehow missed the first time around. Get ready... are you ready? Here it comes:
Ah... Sorry Efrat, I wasn't planning to make fun. But that one was just too good to pass up.
too funny!!
they really should get someone to check their spelling,how embarrasing!
Ariel and Yocheved - agreed!
I had no idea that things like this happen in Efrat.I might expect it more in Eli, but I think because there are so few Americans, they wouldn't even bother trying to translate. Very cute!
Ok..I love Quires! In fact, I think I may spell it that way from now on. It makes sense phonetically, unlike Choirs.
Hmm..sowing? Not so much. If it were Reaping, then I would be first in line. But sowing is just a lot of hot and dusty work. Bleh!
Do they provide the ox?
Rena - right, that's the thing. On the one hand, they're making the effort to translate for the anglo community, which is commendable. On the other hand, in a community made up of around 1/3 native English speakers, they couldn't ask just one of them to look through the catalog before they went to the printers?!?
Patti, hi! We simultaneously commented, it seems :)
I actually think that the embroydery looks much happier with all those y's, don't you? But you're right about the sowing, doesn't sound like much fun at all...
very embarassing, in my opinion. but i was reminded of my nachal days with the cows...
Sorry, but with all of the English speakers in Efrat, many with college degrees even, there's just no excuse.
Aviva - :)
Ben-Yehuda - agreed - see my comment to Rena. Apparently none of them work at the Matnas :)
I LOVE mistakes like these, I find them endlessly amusing. My favorite was a brochure I got years ago for a course on "Spiking English".
At least it wasn't for reading or writing...
Wow, Robin - that "spiking" is tremendously funny! The fact is, I've been here for nearly half my life, so you'd think I wouldn't even notice these things anymore. But they still crack me up! And there doesn't seem to be any shortage in sight :)
I really MUST speak to our local chugim coordinator. Maybe she could also offer a course in Astern Dancing here in our neighborhood. You do it while facing the back (stern) of the room...
BTW, Wikipedia claims that "quire" is, in fact, a variant spelling of choir... ;-)
Mrs. S. - so interesting! Did you know that before you looked it up? I've definitely never seen quires before...
I see signs like that all over LA and in theory people here speak English.
No, I wasn't familiar with the term either. But then again - as much as I would like to be dan l'kaf zechut - I strongly suspect that the person who composed the catalog wasn't exactly aware that "quire" is a legitimate alternate spelling either...
Jack - I'm sorry to hear that :)
Mrs. S. - you never know... at least now we've converted this into a learning experience - thanks!
Frankly, I think Astern Dancing is missing an s in the middle, not an E at the beginning..
got here from your ten funniest of the year. Two more to go, then I will clean up under my chair...
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